Joining COAST FM in 2019 has fulfilled a boyhood dream from my younger days of playing my sisters’ vinyl 45’s on our radiogram. I also wanted to play music that brought back memories of “the good old days” to people who are struggling with remembering the past. From John Williams & Hans Zimmer to ABBA and Babs, my musical passion is music & songs that have added emotional impact to movies & TV shows, but particularly from vinyl records. I’m always rummaging through Op shops and it’s amazing what gems I find!
I’ll even throw in historic events from famous radio broadcasts, nostalgic advertisements and comedy highlights from TV, radio & films that I have discovered on vinyl.
I try to design my shows to recognise sections of the community like ambo’s, police force, firies, charity workers, or women in show business, but I’m always open to suggestions!
Unfortunately, time won’t allow me to have a regular weekly show but that is my aim in the longer term. So you’ll hear me, the ‘PICTURE SHOW MAN” drop the needle from time to time as a fill-in presenter.