G’day, I’m Paul Schiller, host of the Sunday Variety Showcase, between 9am-12pm. I was born in Adelaide in 1964, and grew up in the north- eastern suburbs, where I reside today. I work full time for S.A. Health, and have a wonderful 18 year old son that lives with me full time, as he has done since he was ten. I like music and dancing, but not necessarily in that order 🙂.  I used to have my own mobile DJ business, and I have previously been a DJ at a couple of nightspots in Adelaide. I have been a member of the Austrian Club at Ovingham for over 45 years, performing Austrian dancing around the country. I also did around 7 years of social ballroom dancing, but my absolute favourite style of dance is the ” Lindyhop ” swing style. Anyway, thanks for getting to know me, and I encourage you to please give me a call in the studio during my show, so I can get to know you a little better. Â